Azoury |
Cavalier Feet
A- White skin/unvarnished/nugget of gold
B- White skin/unvarnished/nugget of Onyx (worn in the pic)
C- White skin/Red nail polish/nugget of gold
D- White skin/Red nail polish/nugget of Onyx
E- Black skin/unvarnished/nugget of gold
F- Black skin/unvarnished/nugget of Onyx
G- Black skin/Red nail polish/nugget of gold
H- Black skin/Red nail polish/nugget of Onyx
• Maitreya: Lara • Legacy: Female • eBODY: Reborn • Kalhene: Erika • Belleza: Gen.X Female
NK* | Matsumoto Infiltrator helmet
The Forge | Alika Bodysuit
Dope+Mercy | Sit Here Bench