
Azoury | Poem Top
Happy Weekend 60LS
• Maitreya: Lara
• Legacy: Female
• eBody: Reborn
• Kalhene: Erika
• Belleza: Gen.x Female Curvy
(Stay reasonable in the proportion of your shape)
• One Not Rigged Mask
With Resizer/Stretch Included
•Colors: Onyx/Silver/Gold
• Copy/Modif/No Trans

Zibska | Purfle Set
Frozen Frolic | 18Dec-2Jan
includes headpiece and shoulders with accompanying orbits in left and right sections with 39 colours via HUD for fronds and butterflies.
Gift for the Frozen Frolic event at Second Life Syndicate's HQ. Visitors will find the gift under the big tree.
After the event, the set will be available only in the Zibska group gifts section.

Zibska | Ripple Makeup & Lips