
.Shi | SHEMA Stretched Ears
Uber Event | 25Aug-22Sep
- Unrigged
- Available in 2 metals | Silver & Steel
- 7 Skin tones via HuD & color picker
- Linked separately for your creative preference

. Shi | Unisex studded cap gift now available
2 Colors & Metals included!
P/s : Please wear the .Shi group in order to retrieve the gift.

Wicca's Originals | Djuna Top
WCF 18+ | 01-26Sep
Sizes: Maitreya (Lara+Petite), Legacy (Female+Perky)
HUD: 10 Fabric Colors, 10 Leater Colors, 10 Metal Colors
Available as Fatpack OR 4 single colors (single colors only change metals and opacity)
Special: you can change the opacity: "opaque-transparent-off" for the shirt on the HUD (fatpack+single colors)

S.E. | Lelutka EvoX Fake Friends Hairbase
Lilithe' | Skadi Tattoo - Double Chin Fade
Nefekalum | Sobek Tattoo
Miwas | Kiki Leather Pants
Izzie's | Age Spots, Face imperfections, Freckles for EvoX