Wicca's Originals | Amatheia Claws | Mairmaid Cove Event | 05-26Jul
For Maitreya’s Lara, Bento enabled, and come with HUD 10 colors for the wrist band, chains, shells, and claws
Zibska | Tiste Collar & Headpiece | Spellbound Event | 18Jul-08Aug
20 colours via HUD
Zibska | Tomi Eyemakeup | The Seasons Story Event | 10Jul-02Aug
12 colours / Lelutka, Genus, Catwa, LAQ, Omega appliers and system tattoo layers
Zibska | Andmere Lips | Gloss Event | 13-31Jul
12 colours via HUD / Lelutka, Genus, LAQ, Catwa & Omega appliers and system tattoo layers
Flores Body & Soul | Freckles Summer Time | Mainstore
4 tones
:zk: | Vera Body Metal Version Black