

.Shi | Soteria Military Cap
- Available in 4 Canvas colors & 3 Patent colors
- 2 Versions included / w/o quote motif

Zibska | Padmini Blush & Makeup
Evo X | Blush in 8 colours in 3 transparencies | Makeup in 12 colours

Zibska | Gitte Lips
Evo X

Vegas | Siren Tattoo
Neve | Jumper - swipe
Hotdog | Feathered coat
Magika | Lydia Hair



Azoury | Achillea Crown & Earrings

Wicca's Originals | Jadeon Nose Piercing
Sizes: Unisex // mod/copy/trans
the piercing is mod and allows adjusting
and as well relocating of the different parts with edit linked parts
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals
Many Options to show/hide parts of the piercing

Zibska | Katherine Eyemakeup, Lips & Blush 

Nina's Tattoo"s | Devil tattoo
Fakeicon | Jeane ruffle stole


Wicca's Originals | Nocturne Arms
Sizes: Maitreya (Original, Petite, Flat), Legacy (F) (Original & Perky)
and Signature Gianni
HUD: 10 Colors/Metals
Can be worn together or left and right separate

Zibska | Urdr Headset
includes headpiece and mask (not worn) with 18 colour options
via HUD for headpiece main/accent and mask

Zibska | Korbl Lips
18 colours
Zibska | Korbl Makepup
12 colours

Ison | Geometric Corset (old stuff)
Maitreya | Mesh leggins (old stuff)
Nina's Tattoo's | Devil Evo X



Wicca's Originals | Amorenna Boots

VALR | Heirloom Spear
Tableau Vivant | Aries Hair
(A)Maze | Dragon Huntress Bodysuit
Antay | Fur stole Hilda
Backdrop Minimal




Zibska | Korbl Lips
18 colours
Zibska | Korbl Makepup
12 colours

Zibska | Lile headpiece
Lile includes headpiece and orbits in left and right sections
with 9 colour sets for sections 1/2/3/4

Riot | rylee bodysuit



Zibska | Aracelis Mask
The Aracelis mask offers 26 colour options via HUD

Zibska | Korbl Lips
EVO X BOM - 18 colours
Zibska | Korbl Makepup
EVO X BOM - 12 colours

Tableau Vivant | Fringe Leather collar
NANAO | Combat Bandage



Azoury | Certitude Arm

Zibska | Lile Eyemkeup and Lips
Cosmetics packs include Omega appliers, tattoo & universal tattoo

Azoury | Moeurs Robotic brain

Contraption | GPK44 Prosthetic Neck
ET | Cyber Wite
Hotdog | Spine collar



Zibska | Padmini Set
 includes headpiece in left/right/center sections
and collar with 20 colours for headpiece base sections,
feather sections 1/2/3, beads and collar.

Zibska | Padmini Makeup
12 colours

Zibska | Padmini Blush
8 colours in 3 transparencies

Zibska | Vieno Lips

Stories&Co | Harlie Bralette
Miwas | Kiki Net knitted top
Dappa | Mangala Tattoo
Izzie's | Age Sports, Veins, Freckles



Azoury | Scepter Isle roses

Zibska | Vieno Lips [Evo X]

Tram | hair
Dappa | Mangala Tattoo





Wicca's Originals | Ptah Headpiece (Egyptian Style)
Sizes: Unisex - mod/copy/no trans
HUD 10 Colors/Metals + the option to hide and show the symbols

Zibska | Sive Makeup
Evo X Only - tattoo & universal tattoo layers

Wicca's Originals | Maddy Gloves
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy (F), Slink (F), Signature Gianni
HUD: 10 colors, 10 metal colors

Zibska | Vieno Lips
Evo X

The Forge | Nina bodysuit
BooN | cor.011 Hair
V-Tech | Dark Knight sword



Wicca's Originals | Maddy Gloves
Sizes: Maitreya, Legacy (F), Slink (F), Signature Gianni
HUD: 10 colors, 10 metal colors

Analog Dog | Octave Hair
RKKN | Riley's Shirt & Pants
Deco | Sneakers (old stuff)